19 okt 2009

Good Morning

I thought while still laying in my pretty comfy bed, to give you all a update;) Martin is still working like crazy for his dutch clients, but he also have a lot of fun. He finnally had the guts to let other people read the first chapter of the book he is writing, they all Loved it and made them cry ( thank you Sabine for typing it out!) He bought a Moleskin to finish his book, and they are going to look for a publish agent here. I hope he will get one and that they like the book as much as we do! Next to that his "Sinterklaas" site will be starting soon so enough work for him this time of year! we are so happy and thankful about that. just only a few months ago we where very close to going broke! Just saving for this trip and working hard to get this tickets made us back on track. Ofcourse Martin is the one who is making the most money, but I do my best on making some of it aswell (or to spend it wisely;)) I am working on some card designs for a website (almost live, will spend a whole new post about that one)
Last week (Monday) we went on a TV Weekly reunion dinner. We had a lot of fun! It made us smile that we just know so many people here in California. We eat at the Olive garden and it was Yummie! before we went to dinner we went to pick up Judi and Rob from Judikins. Martin got a chance to see the warehouse himself. It is so amazing to see that they do everything themselves. Judi designs all the stamps, they make molds from them, press the own rubber stamps, attach them to foam, ink the wooden blocks and attach the stamps to the blocks, pack them and ship them! It made me more aware of the price of a rubber stamp. Wednesday we went to our weekly parkday. the kids do school on the park in the morning and play with everyone there in the afternoon while the moms catch up with each other. We lunch there with Hotdogs (Ann keeps them warm in a big thermostat bottle, so handy!) while we are there I just read my book, enjoy the nature, crochet and listen to the story's. (and getting a little bit of a tan!!) It is one of my favorite's weekly things here! Yesterday we went shopping at Walmart. Martin really has a softspot for Iris. She is going to be spoilled rotten when we come back! We went to Walmart for some cookie baking supplies, but we didn't found what I was looking for. Also I wanted to bring back icing for Rianne, but since that is so heavy we are going to try out some recepy's today to see if we can make them at home aswell (allot of the recepy's has shortening, cream of tarter and/or baking soda in them witch are hard to get in holland. This weekend we don't have a lot of plans. We just see what will happen;) Next week however is going to be a busy week! We are going to carve pumpkins, out on a Halloween date, a movieday Trick or treat on Halloween and Sunday and Monday we are going to Disney!! We are so looking forward to it. The kids here have never been before, so it's going to be extra special! After Disney we still have a full week here but no plans and then it is time to go home again and start our "normal" lives again. I had never thought that 2 months will go by so soon! we are having so much fun here and we feel so at home, that it will be a sad goodbye! ofcourse we are happy to see our family's and friends again, but the Dutch weather.... nah didn't missed that yet! ok time to go out of the bed and bake some cookies!!! I added pictures of the TV dinner at our Photoalbum ( see Polaroid on the leftside)
Big hugs and see you all soon!

1 opmerking:

  1. Twee/vier dagen terug was je blog (en die van anderen) niet bereikbaar er was een interne fout of iets dergelijks, misschien is dat wel de oorzaak van de gewisselde posting.

    Veel plezier in Disney allemaal.

    Ik mis je/jullie wel hoor, liefs Mams
