30 dec 2006

The Holiday!

Ok you have to see this movie! This is like the best and cutest movie of 2007. Not just because Jude Law is in it! but because it will make you smile and teard up!. One thing i Need to say is to my friend E. Girl you where so right! Jack Black is awesome, and now in my favorite list :) you can see a trailer here

I will tell about christmas later! got rotten spoiled.

For everyone! Happy NewYear!

I am tagged by Fauve

A - Available or single: In love:)

Best Friend: My twinsister Rianne

Cake or Pie:Pie (chocholat!)

Drink of choice: Diet Coke and Water

Essential Item you use everyday: My Bed. (i Just love my bed!)

Favorite color: Bright and Happy Pink!

Gummy Bears or worms: uhm i think i go for the bears.. cause i Hate worms lol

Hometown:Lelystad (Netherlands)

Indulgence: Pizza and WoW ( i know!)

January or February: January! i like the new start of the year!

Kids & Names:None (yet) names will be revealed then :D

Life is Incomplete Without:Martin and Internet

Marriage Date:None yet

Number of Siblings: 1 Brother Alexander, 1 Sister Tamara and a Twinsister Rianne

Oranges or Apples:Orangejuice and Apples (golden delicous)

Phobias or Fears: Loosing loveones, Spiders, bugs, frogs, pain, driving a car, darkness (shall i go on? )

Fav Quote: A day without smile is a day not lived

Reason to Smile: When someone suprises you!

Season: Spring!

Tag 3 or 4 people: Everyone i know already got tagged.. maybe a other time ok?

Unknown Fact about Me: that i am a very insecure and shy person in real life (thank god for the internet!) and that i once was a Cheerleader!

Vegetable You Don't Like: Sprouts

Worst Habit: Being Lazy! (i know i hate it)

X - Xrays: 1 of my chest after a car crash

Your Fave Food: Macaroni from my Mom!

Zodiac Sign: Scorpid


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