13 mrt 2007

Traffic employe

That is how my function is called at my new job. Dont know what traffic employe mean, but it was a fun day. I got my own computer and desk, even with enough space (and time) to actualy do some scrapbooking there. I share the office with the studio. That are people who do all the artwork for the magazine's, really nice people :). The building is a nice old house in Hilversum, they even have a little bar in the basement. Today is already my first free day, and i am off enjoying the sun, and starting on some projects for the magazine (it still be a bit funny to arive there with my bags full with scrapbooking supplies and go scrapping the whole day, but i am free to do so :d) so I will also do some in my free time.

Enjoy the nice weather!


4 opmerkingen:

  1. sure they do not need someone else over there, lol. Wow to be able to scrap on your worksplace and get payed is a dream come true right!?


  2. ok, now i am officially jealous!!!

  3. wow that sounds like a really cool job!!

  4. Heb je werk doe je nog steeds wat je leuk vind!!! Ik weet zeker dat er mensen jaloers op je zijn ;-)
